Monday, 25 February 2013

A Quick Guide to Industrial Injury Claims

Employees who have suffered a disability because of their work, or their work has caused them certain diseases, may be entitled to Industrial Injuries DisabilityBenefit (IIDB). Paid by the Department for Work and Pensions, the benefit is available to people who have become disabled due to an accident at work, in the course of their work or who have contracted certain industrial diseases during their time at work. 

How does IIDB assessment work?

In order to receive the IIDB, a person’s disability must be assessed by a doctor to see how strongly it affects their everyday life. This disablement will be given as a percentage but will not include any effects from a pre-existing or unrelated condition. This allows the doctor to give a level of disability that is directly related to the accident or disease that has been caused by the person’s work. The assessment carried out by a doctor could last for a fixed period or for life, depending on the extent of the disability. Should the disability caused by an accident or disease at work worsen, or when the fixed period ends, a person can be reassessed. 

Who can claim IIDB?

The Industrial Injuries Disability Benefit is only available to a person that has been assessed by a doctor and given a disablement percentage, directly attributed to their accident or disease, of at least 14%. Any disablement percentage of 14-19% will be rounded up to 20% for payment purposes. 

How much disablement benefit are you entitled to?

The amount of benefit received varies depending on the severity of the disability and the employee’s age. A starting point for consideration is that a person stated to have 100% disability due to an accident or diseased caused by work will be entitled to £158.10 a week. 

What can you used IIDB for?

Once a payment amount has been decided, the IIDB can be paid directly into a bank, Building Society or Post Office card account. It does not matter how much savings, other income or capital a person has, the IIDB can be spent as they wish. Should a person receive any means-tested income, such as income-related Housing Benefit or Pension Credit, the IIDB will be taken into account as a form of income. 

When can you claim?

Claims for the IIDB can be made at any time, regardless of whether the accident happened days or a disease was contracted years ago. However, the payment can only be backdated for three months prior to the claim date. Claimants do not need to explain why their application is late, they just need to request backdating at the time of the claim. 

What other financial help is available for work related disabilities?

Those that are entitled to the Industrial Injuries Disability Benefit may also qualify for other financial help. This help includes the Constant Attendance Allowance, Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance, Reduced Earnings Allowance and Retirement Allowance. People that have disabilities or diseases caused by work should contact the Department of Work and Pensions in order to find out what help they may be able to get.

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